Burn Baby Burn (04/04/09 - 07/03/09)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Goodness Me

B2B W4: 190/250, ****, 12 stairs/2 left

Scale Junkie challenged us to right 10 positive things about ourselves, so here goes:
  1. I'm a great teacher and facilitator of adult classes and groups.
  2. I'm good at my job as a technical translator.
  3. I'm a good spiritual coach and I'm getting better.
  4. I am joyful.
  5. I can see the big picture and place people and tasks where they fit.
  6. I achieve my goals.
  7. I spread peace and joy wherever I go.
  8. I am a loving and generous daughter, aunt, sister, girlfriend, and friend.
  9. I giggle a LOT.
  10. My body is beautiful, curvaceous, and sensual
I felt so self conscious bragging about myself up there. Why are we so hesitant to acknowledge our Goodness?


  1. Its been drilled into us over time that its selfish and not PC to brag about yourself. Which, in the extreme, is true. But now, we have a hard time even thinking TO OURSELVES the good stuff.

    YAY for you getting out there and winning your self esteem back :)

    YOU'VE TOTALLY EARNED bragging rights!!

  2. Thanks Brandi:-)

    Care to share your fabulousness!


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